Wednesday, July 3, 2013

NY Fakes ID

Got my order from a few days ago in the mail. I used it today in MD and it was questioned but did the trick. These IDs are perfect copies of the new style of NY drivers licenses and are very thin. They work perfectly in NY but are sometimes scrutinized out of state because of their flexibility. (they WILL pass the bar book test if the cashier wants to take it that far) However they are the best and most accurate IDs that you will find on the internet, well worth the price, and the customer service is amazing! they all scan, pass the blacklight test with flying colors, and have the appropriate sine wave hologram. The microprinting is exact and colors are correct. I just ordered a second because I was so satisfied with the whole thing. Check out the pictures below!


  1. How legit have you found this company to be? Way too many of my friends have gotten scammed.

  2. This company is the most legit one that I have dealt with. They will get you a product and if it is messed up in any way they will replace it
